It seems like everywhere you look it's red, green, gold and white Christmas decor. Well I say break the mold, liven it up. Surprise your holiday guest with some new and non traditional this year. My client had his employee Christmas party as his house this year and he wanted it to be fun, so I said "COLOR PLEASE"!
These beautiful hand painted Italian plates were just the thing to get it on an poppin'. I love the fun design and use of varied colors, but what made these work most was the fact that they still had hints of the traditional Christmas colors in them so it was easy to make them relate to the holiday.
Next I add leather charger plates, as anchors for the place settings. I liked these chargers instead of the shining gold or silver traditional ones because they are unexpected. You might think it looks out of place right now against the green velvet but the juxtapose of textures is going to make the dishes pop off the table more.
Next I added the plates and soup bowls. Remember it's important to plan out your menu before hand to make sure you have the appropriate amount of plating, flatware, and stemware for your meal. I knew the menu a week prior so that gave me plenty of time to get it together.
Then I added the flatware. We had to pack in NINE people at this table so the settings were going to be tight. I wanted to make sure everyone had the correct amount of flatware so I added to the table in the formal style to the table utilizing all the area around the place setting. I added the napkins and the place cards. The napkins are slightly tucked in between the plates and chargers. I like this method because it makes it easier for people to grab their napkin and place it on their lap. It also adds a layer of negative space when using white linens and a good contrast to the table cloth. Now, in this picture the napkins aren't ironed yet, but I always prefer to iron them with a lite starch before putting them on the table. I just wanted to show you this as soon as I could!!!!
My client brought these cute nutcracker Christmas crackers. No no no, not the kind you eat. Here is the definition if you should feel so inclined,
These are those fun toys that look like big piece of candy wrapped. Two people pull on these and they pop open. Inside is a fun prize. They have a lot of different kinds out there as it is becoming popular in the U.S. I added them to the top of the soup bowl to prompt people to open them prior to their meal. It just adds an additional element of holiday fun for your guest and sets the festive mood. Here are a few links to some pretty ones. I saw some in Costco the other that had jewelry in them...SAY WHAT!!!!
Well I hope you enjoyed that read, Happy Holidays and Happy Crafting!
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Ciao for Now!